University of Melbourne – Teaching and Learning Program

Value $12M+ annually

This University of Melbourne (UoM) program focuses on the delivery of more innovative environments across shared teaching spaces, supporting pedagogical innovation and strengthening the student experience. Projects within the program are generally delivered as a single space or defined collection of similar spaces. The program also extends to designing and delivering the best possible infrastructure renewal to enable more effective, efficient utilisation of existing shared teaching spaces. The ultimate goal is to sustain high-quality teaching and learning.

Due to a shortage of teaching and learning spaces, the majority of these projects are delivered throughout winter and summer recesses to ensure minimal impact to timetabling and to mitigate noise and disruption to adjacent spaces. Broadleaf Projects’ depth of construction experience informs our careful, measured planning to ensure minimum disruption to the university’s operations.

Our ongoing role in program management/advisory in conjunction with project delivery has provided a level of continuity and fostered strong design development. We maintain a steady focus on key recurring design principles that include flexibility, collaboration, improving AV standards, natural light, connection with the public realm/thoroughfares, biophilic design, acoustics, wireless connectivity, ergonomics, comfort, security and building monitoring/analytics.


University of Melbourne – Smart Campus Energy Upgrades Program